Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blog Assignment #4

Part One

1.Laws are made to protect society us and keep us in line.Laws tell you what is acceptable and not acceptable.basically, what is right and what is wrong. Ethics is what is morally right and wrong.So the relationship is that many laws are made on the premis-is it ethical?Does the general society believe this?Thats why laws vary where ever you go, because the culture of a country (or even a state) can have different values and believes on ethical issues. For example, the issue of gay marriage.It is legal in some states and not in others.Thats the relationship between law and ethics, ethics determines laws.

2.I learned that law and ethics form a problematic package,but a package deal nonetheless.You cant have laws without ethics,and you cant have ethics without law.Also that law must apply to everyone equally. It must also be possible for each citizen to embrace the reasoning behind the law, including any penalties for violating the law.In some cases the legal obligation conflicts with the ethical obligation.You may feel an ethical obligation to something, but have no legal obligation. Like helping out someone who is suffering.URL-

3.Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not we need ethics, given that we already have laws.

Conclusion: we do need ethics even though we have laws.


(1)Ethics is the base of many laws.

(2)There would be no laws without ethics, nobody would have a view of what is right and wrong.

(3)Ethics gives us a sense of what is a just punishment for a law being broken.

Conclusion:we dont need ethics because we already have laws.


(1)Laws already provide us with a sense of what is right and what is wrong.

(2)Laws already have a set punishment for crimes against them.

(3)Ethics could cause unjust laws for some, because of a majority belief on a given topic.

Part Two

Majority View

1.Majority view is how the majority of people feel on a given subject and whether or not it is right to make a law or rule based on how the majority feel.One example is pologamy, the majority of people in the U.S.,a well as me...just clearing that up, feel that it should be against the law therefor it is.But in other cultures it is an accepted part of every day life, so should majority view take that right away?.....Well most people believe so.

2.Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not the Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.

Conclusion:Majority view is not a reliable basis for ethical decisicion-making.
(1)Majority view cuts out the rights of the minority.
(2)It dosent solve the problem in an ethical way, it combines personal views.
(3)Just because the majority of people think something is right, it does not make it right.

The Role Of Feelings
1.The role of feelings is how you personally feel about something and whether or not it is right to base your decision on how you feel.Feelings are influenced by what is around you or what is happening to you at a given time.Feelings are basically your own personal belief on something because of past experiences.
2.Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not our feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion:Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
(1)Feelings can change over time.
(2)You can make a rash decision based on your feelings at the moment and later regret it.
(3)Feelings can get in the way of rational thinking, they cloud your judgement.
Part Three
The ability to express yourself in your own words is essential in this class. Did you put everything in your own words this time?
Yes, I only put what I believed and how I felt.
What was easiest / hardest about this assignment?
The easiest part was the arguments because I just put what I believed. The hardest part was just the length of the assignment.
How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
I will make rash decisions, not based on my emotions at the time or on how the majority feel, but rather on what I beleive in and is ethical.
How well do you think you did on this assignment? Explain.
I believe I did good on this assignment, because I put fourth the time and effort and gave the best possible answers that I could.

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